Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Learned I Ain't So Good With Goodbyes

but today I had to put my best friend on a plane to fly to a big, scary city all by himself. Susie the mother hen. I was just as nervous as he.

I even forgot to pack him a sandwich in his carry-on.

Oh well.
Happy adventures, cracker jack


  1. This is adorable :)

  2. That's really sweet! Friends will always be in our hearts. :)

  3. "friends will always be in our hearts!"

    I adore you, you know that don't you. not in an obsessive way though. Im learning alot im shooting down the hunters(demons)who are looking for a lonely heart,im not lonely with my maker.

    "oh, great spirit, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

    Im being hard on myself so that life will be easy on me because I know from my past when I am easy on myself life is really hard on me. the end. bye peanut, happy early dirty dale

  4. Oh and you put songs on my ipod that I dont like, like "Don't Save It All For Christmas Day" by Avalon, but I listen to it almost everyday because it sounds funny.

  5. I didn't put that on your iPod. I don't even have that on mine. I've never even heard of that song.

  6. Really? Are you sure? I dont understand technology these days. Youtube it I sing it everyday, that song has cursed me, but it UPs my mood, great morning song.

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaZBKkqA-VQ I want this on my ipod. This is magic, I hope your having a good day gretel

  8. Dear Gretel,
    I am sorry that I ever contacted you on this blog, I am sorry I posted those last few comments on your blog, that was and is wrong of me. I am sorry that I text you sometimes, I am sorry that Im sending you a simple birthday card, I do hope you like it. It is cute, you may smile. Im sorry I said sorry like 50 times just now. I know you dont want to here me say sorry. Done. I am not obsessed over you cross my heart, if I was obsessed with you I would do all things for me, to make me feel well, I would be a drunk and still try to hold your hand, but I adore you, I sacrifice the things I want for you, I dont even drink anymore because I know that you hate it, and I have integrity I do things for you that you will never ever see. I dont sacrifice things for you because im obsessed with you I sacrifice things because I adore you. and I love me and I love you. Look I let you stay the lastnight ill ever spend in that haunted house with me, and I gave you a shirt I even let you shave my beard. that was fun. From now on i am done contacting you in any way shape or form. I trust that when you want to talk to me you will be able to come to me like you say, dont be scared, just come... im ready when you are, im hard on myself so life will be easier on me.

    I am tired of telling you the same things over and over and over and over so I am done, smile its a good day! One step closer

  9. with out god every step that I have taken has been a mistake, over and over.. I marched further and further and further away.

    But the times are changing for me. I bathe in the presence of Jesus.
    many times, this has not been the case.
    I have allowed many things to steal away from what could be precious moments spent with my Saviour.

    I have learned that jesus can captivate you, you just have to look.
    And once you look, you will be drawn into his presence and transformed.Let’s be transformed, first by not allowing things to take precedence over Jesus.

    Im not alone, im not perfect, but i have redemption if I want it and I want it more than ever Lea Ann, Believe me, please :( I want susie to know this before she continues to destroy my relationships with the people that grew up with, the people who i trusted, the people I have loved, before she keeps tellings them all this crap, her side of the story, there are no sides, i messed up, she is not to blame, but she also did things that hurt our relationship, she plays innocent and that is fine with me because I love her and Ill take full blame for anything, even if im not to blame and its her ill take that blame from her and ill surrender it to God.

    I did not lie to susie, i turned to drugs when I lost her.. lies lie liar? no.

    A man named Jesus Christ can Take you. Believe me, I want her to know this, she still thinks im the destroyer or judas the betrayor or that im out to get her and control her and that nobody should be my friend because ill just bring them down. that is not true, that hurts me that she still thinks that.

  10. I want all of our happiness back susie, like this post. bye again. i hope you read and concider what i wrote to be true, if you dont I dont blame you but you are lying to yourself. goodbye

  11. and there will be a time of void were all you feel is pain, hurt, rejection and doubt but that time passes it just can't be rushed. You know that as well as I, I adore how patient you are. I am moving back
