Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hawaii Dream

Oklahoma was finally blessed with a white Christmas. But with snow comes cabin fever. And with cabin fever comes creativity, forced out of your veins due to the absence of every day distractions that keep you from exploring your creative side.
And all these things bring forth adventures.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Snoopy vs. The Red Baron

Christmas is coming, Charlie Brown.
That means putting smiles on faces that put a smile on yours every day.
It is much fun to participate in old traditions, burn cookies, watch sappy old holiday films, peek inside your presents when Ma and Pops ain't lookin, and discover that the package you thought contained a Red Ryder bb gun was actually a shovel from your dad so that you could break the ice off the driveway so he could get to work.
Family time is just smashing. You are given wonderful opportunities to spend quality time with the relatives you spend the other 11 moths avoiding.

But in all honesty, I really take pride in putting thought into buying or making gifts for those who are truly good to me despite any obstacles that come in the way of every day friendships. It's cliche, but I think it's excellent to give. . . and not just at Christmas.
I had family time tonight and my sister came. Everyone was kind to one another, it was strange.
I think this is going to be the best Christmas ever, I can hardly wait.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Watching home videos from 1994--

Mandi, the blonde poster child, is found in her bedroom brushing her bouncy curls before her beauty pageant. She makes a joke, turns her head back and flashes a sweet grin.

Sam, the awkward cabbage patch, drowns his toy ponies in the pool and says hello in a soft, teensy voice. He then hatches a brilliant plan, jumps into his Power Wheels, and proceeds to chase after and run over his grandmother.

Micah, the enterprising baby, is a tiny sperm. He is already making the sound of gunshots inside of Mom's tummy.

And I, the chubby bug, am found running through the lawn in my diaper looking for my cat. Mom catches up to me and asks,
"What's your name, little girl?"
"And where do you live, Susie?"
"Toys R Us."

The summers were lazy.
The clouds were huge and Papa even did tricks on the lawn.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tap at My Window

Current inspiration: Laura Marling.

She's a nineteen-year-old folk, singer-songwriter from London that I have trouble categorizing. I'm not speaking of genres, but rather those "music scenes" that most musicians work hard to fit into. She's not "punk rock," "hipster," "indie," or whatever words you kids use to describe yourselves. She's just, Laura Marling. She makes you want to break down and cry because of her misreable eyes and voice, but leaves just enough cheer and cuteness about herself for you to stay a fan.

Strangely, I have found myself viewing people who are like me more appealing. And I started to love Laura Marling even more after I found she cut her hair off like how mine used to be, sings kind of like me, and wears over-sized clothing and weird dresses like I do. Those kind of people assure me it's okay to be weird and do your own thing and who in the bloody cares.

Thank you, God, for making Laura Marling:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Brother Rabbit

Meet the newest editions to my family

We are brothers