Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The cold, I don't like it much.
It makes my body hurt more than it regularly does.

As I was outside today, as I usually am, and I began to walk toward my house. My legs hurt and went numb. I had to hunch over awkwardly and drag my right leg. It probably looked horribly pitiful, but it's a normal routine for me to do.
I said to God, "My feet hurt, as they always do. Why do I have to hurt so much?"
And then I had a thought, I thought about Jesus' feet.

I thought about how much he walked in the desert and how sore they must have grown. I bet his feet hurt too, in every season, and I thought about how dirty and blistery they must have grown.
Before this thought occured in my head, I had asked Him to make me like Him.

And that's when I realized, when we think of being like Jesus, we think of perfection and holiness, or at least I do. Maybe it was God. He reminded me of my weakness. Jesus, though perfect, had them too when He was on earth. His feet hurt too, like mine.

I remember all the tales of Jesus healing the crippled with just one touch.
So that means Jesus is capable of healing me, but He obviously doesn't want me to be on earth. But that means He probably has some mysterious and great thing for me to do that I would never think of.

My feet,
I won't need them for what He wants me to do
if Jesus walked all over the desert, than I can too
cause his hurt like mine.

Make me more like You.
If Your grace is an ocean, than I hope I'm sinking.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

רעידת אדמה

Day #1 of fasting:

Starting today, I have begun fasting dinner and praying for Haiti for several days. I can only afford to fast one meal due to physical needs, but one meal is all that is truly neccessary to give up, being that all fasting is about is simply giving up an earthly habit to focus on things eternal.
Being a spoiled American, it hasn't taken long for hunger to begin to tear at my stomach, but it is a humbling feeling being able to experience a tiny percentage of what those I am praying for are enduring. A dear friend of mine is struggling emotionally in ways similar to the Haitians, so I've been truly focused on really connecting with the Saviour to pray for him as well.

But do not fear, brothers and sisters.
"He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; He seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honour." - 1 Samuel 2:8

Saturday, January 16, 2010

3 Peaches

After a long night, this morning I somehow pulled myself out of bed... but to spend it with two darling peaches I have not seen in far too long. What a lovely day of Italian eatery and antiquing.

I wish I had photographs to share from Friday night.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I lay in my bed in this segment of the night. Short, untamed yellow strings fall from my head and lay like wet noodles against my face. My hair is wild.
Sleepwear is nothing but simple material made from cotton, and mine neglects to cover my kicking limbs. My legs are small in size, but wiggle like like lions wrestling their prey beneath the white sheets of my bed. They are wiggling with joy from this rare feeling I have just discovered.

Not long ago, see, a magician stopped by my house and replaced my bones with fragile pieces of glass and my skin with paper. Things changed after that.

But now, in this segment of the night, as I wiggle my legs in excitement and my eyes close their doors for the day, I rejoice alone in my bed over a matter that is foreign to me. I am experiencing the gift that people often take for granted, of feeling like a normal human being.

Strange, but wonderful, I am feeling no pain at all.
I think I will sleep well tonight.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

If I'm Cryin, It's For Freedom

I can no longer sit still.
My heart yearns for far away places, but not those commonly appealed to by the majority, see.
They're not exactly the typical family vacation spot either, but I don't doubt my safety.
Why waste my whole life away earning another dollar and doing things only for myself? When I am dead, will I look back and say I lived a life well spent, earning things for myself? Just because society set herself up to encourage self-serving, doesn't mean that is the way it should truly go. Realize like I realized, that our years on this earth should be spent nurturing others. We will one day reap what we sow. And the good applied to others will one day be given back to us.

I am called and I will go.