Sunday, January 24, 2010

רעידת אדמה

Day #1 of fasting:

Starting today, I have begun fasting dinner and praying for Haiti for several days. I can only afford to fast one meal due to physical needs, but one meal is all that is truly neccessary to give up, being that all fasting is about is simply giving up an earthly habit to focus on things eternal.
Being a spoiled American, it hasn't taken long for hunger to begin to tear at my stomach, but it is a humbling feeling being able to experience a tiny percentage of what those I am praying for are enduring. A dear friend of mine is struggling emotionally in ways similar to the Haitians, so I've been truly focused on really connecting with the Saviour to pray for him as well.

But do not fear, brothers and sisters.
"He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; He seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honour." - 1 Samuel 2:8

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