Sunday, February 5, 2012

Unspeakable joy

The human body is only capable of expressing so much emotion. A person can sob their very hardest when  experiencing the greatest pain known to mankind, but sometimes the extreme of the emotion exceeds our ability to express it, and we are unable to display the degree of whatever extreme state of mind we have reached.

I assume most who know me, know of me, or recognize my name somewhere often pair whatever visual of me they have in their mind with the happiness I claim to have or the little smile I like to give. I am easily excited and often respond to jolly news like a silly, little girl. But you won't see me at a high energy level every waking moment or wearing a blissful grin every time you take a glance at me. I would not even be shocked if someone once says, "You seem very happy by the clothes you wear and the jokes you tell, but I do not see you constantly laughing, and sometimes you're even quiet."

That is because... I have reached a level of happiness and contentment that I am physically only capable of showing so much of. There is so much love inside of me that God has opened a new room in my heart just to store it in; all of it, I hope you will see in my actions and the things I do up until the day I die, and only so much of it, you will find displayed through my regular smiling and breathing. Right beside playing music, one of my favourite things to do is share the love of God with other people through conversation. I hope I am able then to give you a piece of this great happiness I carry. Just know that I do not claim the bold title of "happy," "content," or "grateful" just to encourage others to do the same; even if I may not be laughing or speaking like one would imagine a cheerful person doing every waking hour. I can only express so much happiness through curved lips and open eyes. And that is because I have come to possess... unspeakable joy.

Whoever you are, whether you know me or not, I want to have a conversation with you. Let me share this great happiness with you through words as best as I can.


  1. I'm really glad to have stumbled upon this from facebook. The internet really is amazing.

    If I can deposit two cents...

    Anyone can exhibit outward symptoms of happiness and not have the joy you're talking about, just like I can cough and sneeze and not have the flu. That kind of happiness, though, is subject to circumstance, and is fleeting.

    And so, the responsibility is great on those of us who claim to know this joy, to still be able to know that it's there and share it with others on the days when we least feel like doing it. I feel like those days - the bad ones - are the days when people are most paying attention to what we're saying and doing.

    Anyhoo, this was a good read and you're apparently a blogging machine. And someday when I have some free time, I'm going to catch up and see what else you've had to say!

    1. Thank you for your comment, James. :) I really appreciate it.

      Actually, I'm no blogging machine at all. In fact, I'm very poor at remembering to make the effort of transferring things I write to the internet. I'm working on getting better at it, haha. I would like it very much if you kept up with me on here, though.
