Thursday, August 5, 2010

I think this is great


  1. christians care about things that just dont matter.

  2. Things that don't matter?
    If I'm correct, I believe gay rights is one of the leading issues of conflict in this country right now. People are generally one extreme or the other: a gay pride supporter or a hater standing in the streets with a "God hates fags" sign.

    And though I don't support gay rights, I believe that homosexuals should be treated with love and respect just like any other person should. And these people in that article did just what Christians should have been doing all along, and didn't support it. . . but stood respectfully on the sidelines showing love and apologizing for the cruelty some churches have showed them, making them feel like they are equal human beings.

    If you haven't noticed, our world becomes more and more torn every day by the lack of love, and these people took a huge stand in reconciliation and filling in the gaps of what never should have been opened.

  3. self righteous, I half way agree with what you are saying. one should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others.

    many people believe that wrongs are not wrong if its done by nice people like ourselves

    Politness, the most acceptable hypocrisy

  4. If I wanted you to know I wouldn't be Anonymous babe

  5. Thanks for posting this. Hating and hurting people is never the answer. And certainly never the Christian answer. Very cool blog, btw.
