Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Let me tell you about something here,

I would like to share something very special with you. (Also) often am I asked why it is I am not currently in a relationship or why in the world am I not even interested in dating right now or hooking up with boys, so perhaps this will answer you again, but this time to its fullest extent. This is not why I am not chasing after relationships, but rather why I am content without one. Let me tell you something again now before you read, that I expect few to nod their heads while taking in the content of my words below and for most to leave this page disturbed or confused.

I have come to attain the most fulfilling friendship a person could ever know-- a friendship with the Creator of the universe and the Healer of my broken soul. I never imagined the God of the world... could love me. It's the kind of romance that makes me want to twirl the skirt of my dress in a field and smile when I'm going to sleep, in acknowledgement of my true Protector.

It's the kind that doesn't ever all the way die.

The kind of romance that causes me to constantly feel timelessly beautiful, even if not a gentleman in the world is treating me kindly. The kind of romance that keeps the creativity in me from dying, where my mouth and my fingertips are continuously crafting new outlets of art as another way to communicate to my Divine. My physical body thirsts for Him and my mind and my limbs will not stop learning new ways to speak through song or written word, whatever it may be.

Sure, I would love to be married one day and experience perfect, life-long romance with the male human God designed me to belong to. But until that time comes, I am happily and absolutely content. Every day I wake up, I have the ability to make a difference in one's life. Now how do you expect me to have the slightest understanding of that and not be satisfied with the very gift of being alive?  My God! What a wonderful thing it is to have a friendship with You. What a reward it is to know we were all given the ability to save lives for You. If only we would let You in...

I have come to know the greatest romance of all.

And I know now...

that I will never know the feeling of being alone.

(To see more photos I take, visit my photographic compositions) 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

You make beautiful things

out of the dust

And You make beautiful things out of us

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My top 10 record picks of '11

Note: Some of the following are subject to change order as I have not listened to every single album from start to finish

10. "21" - Adele

9. "A Creature I Don't Know" - Laura Marling

8. "Codes and Keys" - Death Cab For Cutie

7. "Ashes & Fire" - Ryan Adams

6. "The King Of Limbs" - Radiohead

5. "Mylo Xyloto" - Coldplay

4. "Bon Iver" - Bon Iver

3.  "Yearbook" - Sleeping At Last

2. "Helplessness Blues" - Fleet Foxes

1. "Inni (Live)" - Sigur Ros

Pats on the back:
"Ceremonials" - Florence + the Machine
"Strange Negotiations" - Dave Bazan
"Circuital" - My Morning Jacket